MKOR Consulting collaborated with Think Development & Consultancy, a consulting agency in projects of strategic development, for a study aimed at mapping the social services provided by a social welfare institution.
The research involved a holistic approach, which captured both the perspective of vulnerable groups (quantitative) and that of employees and strategic partners of the institution (qualitative).
The information thus obtained enabled the analysis of the current situation of the beneficiaries of social aid and social services, as well as highlighting some strategic directions for the development strategy of the institution, in the 2021-2027 period.
The study involved a methodological mix and took place in two stages: a quantitative one, respectively a qualitative one.
In the first stage, questionnaires were applied over the phone directly to the beneficiaries of social services residing in the area of competence of the institution. Based on these data, we identified the types of vulnerable people and gathered relevant insights on the accessibility of social services and the level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries with them.
In the second stage of the study we used a qualitative approach. We organized group discussions (focus groups) with the employees and partners of the institution, which enabled us to explore the main challenges and existing opportunities in the activity of the institution.
Based on this information, the MKOR experts proposed a series of actionable recommendations for institutional development and efficiency of the services provided by the institution.
Research objectives
In this research, we considered a set of objectives designed to help map the social services in the area of competence and subsequently develop the medium-term strategy of the institution:
- Determining the current situation of the target groups (beneficiaries of social services);
- Determining the access to public institutions and services;
- Exploring the satisfaction level of the beneficiaries regarding the social services and the interaction with the competent institutions;
- Identifying the main deficiencies in the institutional activity;
- Identifying specific measures for institutional reform and development.
About the Research
In order to have an overview regarding the areas of improvement of the services offered by the institution under analysis, MKOR Consulting carried out a study with a mixed methodology:
- Quantitative research – Questionnaire administered by telephone (CATI) to the social services beneficiaries;
- Qualitative research – Focus groups with employees and strategic partners of the institution.
About Think Development & Consultancy
Think Development & Consultancy is a consultancy agency in strategic development projects that manages the entire lifecycle of a project. The services offered by Think are addressed to the public and private sector, as well as NGOs.
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If you think we can help you, we, the MKOR specialists, assure you that:
- We will choose the right methodology to achieve your objectives,
- We will conduct the project at a high quality level,
- The end results will exceed your expectations.
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MKOR studies during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic impacts consumption behaviors in ways that are difficult to predict. In this context, MKOR consultants are up to date with the latest recommendations of the global research community regarding new approaches that can be used in predicting consumer behaviors.
Similarly, MKOR conducts its own research projects on the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic both in the case of the general population and the business environment. You can download these studies for free from the website section dedicated to Public Research.