MKOR Blog - Latest trends in market research

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Romanian Fashion Market 2023 vs 2021 – Consumers Perspective. 9 out of 10 buy at least one clothing item monthly.

The MKOR "Romania Fashion Market" study reveals the preferences and behaviors of Romanian consumers in a sector marked by economic fluctuations yet a constant passion for fashion and personal style. The analysis also highlights differences…

0 Comments14 Minutes


5 Key Moments When Market Research Makes a Difference in Your Business Success

Studiile de piață sunt esențiale pentru succesul afacerii tale, oferindu-ți informații valoroase despre comportamentul și preferințele consumatorilor. Descoperă 5 momente cheie în care aceste studii pot face diferența, de la lansarea unui…

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Retail Study: What Romanians Believe About the Future of Shopping in 2023

Romanians want better quality products and services in a store that uses technology to facilitate access to these products and services, as well as to provide a memorable user experience

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Urban Millennial Moms Are the Face of the Ethical Consumer Profile in Romania

In 2024, the Ethical Consumer in Romania is reshaping the market with responsible purchasing decisions, focusing on social, ecological, and moral impact. The MKOR study reveals that 38% of Romanians take an active role in protecting the…

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Employee Sentiment Study: What Plans and Expectations Do Employees Have in 2024?

In a constantly evolving work environment, understanding the expectations and sentiments of employees is crucial for companies and leaders. MKOR's Employee Sentiment Report 2024 study offers a valuable perspective on the plans, hopes, and…

0 Comments16 Minutes


What Is Brand Tracking and Why Do You Need to Measure Brand Awareness to Grow Your Business

Brand tracking is not just about understanding your brand’s current status but is a strategic tool for sustained business growth. Brand tracking, the process of analyzing how well a brand is recognized and perceived, is essential for…

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Mystery Shopping: MKOR’s Tool for Measuring Brand Promises

The Mystery Shopping research technique provides invaluable insights into customer experience, service quality, and operational execution.

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How MKOR Does Market Research To Measure Customer Satisfaction

Dive into the world of customer satisfaction with MKOR's expert guidance. Discover how thorough research can reveal what truly makes your customers happy, leading to loyal clients and sustainable growth. Learn to measure and enhance…

0 Comments31 Minutes

2024 Professional Guide to Market Research: Learn, Plan, and Succeed in Marketing (part 3/3)

In this article, we extensively discuss Target Audience Analysis, as the final step in conducting a professional market research.

0 Comments24 Minutes

2024 Professional Guide to Market Research: Learn, Plan, and Succeed in Marketing (part 2/3)

The second part of our expert guide guide focuses on Competitive Analysis, which is essential to any market research project. To stay updated with the other parts, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter.

0 Comments40 Minutes