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Romanian Fashion Market 2023 vs 2021 – Consumers Perspective. 9 out of 10 buy at least one clothing item monthly.

The MKOR "Romania Fashion Market" study reveals the preferences and behaviors of Romanian consumers in a sector marked by economic fluctuations yet a constant passion for fashion and personal style. The analysis also highlights differences between online and offline shopping, ethical consumption trends, and the impact of return policies on customer satisfaction, providing a clear picture of the current fashion landscape in Romania.

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Retail Study: What Romanians Believe About the Future of Shopping in 2023

Romanians want better quality products and services in a store that uses technology to facilitate access to these products and services, as well as to provide a memorable user experience

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Urban Millennial Moms Are the Face of the Ethical Consumer Profile in Romania

In 2024, the Ethical Consumer in Romania is reshaping the market with responsible purchasing decisions, focusing on social, ecological, and moral impact. The MKOR study reveals that 38% of Romanians take an active role in protecting the environment, steering towards sustainable products and services. Discover how this wave of awareness is transforming consumption trends and encouraging a greener and more equitable future.

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Employee Sentiment Study: What Plans and Expectations Do Employees Have in 2024?

In a constantly evolving work environment, understanding the expectations and sentiments of employees is crucial for companies and leaders. MKOR's Employee Sentiment Report 2024 study offers a valuable perspective on the plans, hopes, and fears of Romanian employees, in a context marked by socio-economic and technological changes.

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2024 Professional Guide to Market Research: Learn, Plan, and Succeed in Marketing (part 1/3)

To understand how to conduct market research, it's important to first know what a market study is. With objectives set from the start, the information will be easier to navigate.

0 Comments32 Minutes


MKOR Study: Romanians are setting fixed budgets for Black Friday in 2023, amidst the crisis

In 2023, Romanians are preparing for Black Friday 2023 with pragmatism, considering the period of economic fluctuations and uncertainties. According to the MKOR study "Black Friday Shopping in 2023", 6 out of 10 Romanians plan to take advantage of discounts, a slight decrease from 2022.

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MKOR Study: Diversity and Inclusion in Romanian Organizations from the Employees’ Perspective 2023

The latest MKOR study sheds light on the evolving landscape of diversity and inclusion (D&I) within Romanian organizations, particularly through the lens of employee experiences. While D&I initiatives are still in their infancy in Romania, there's a concerted effort from both management and staff to cultivate a workplace where diversity is not only acknowledged but celebrated.

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MKOR Business Sentiment Study: Digitalization of SMEs in Romania

The digitization of businesses has become essential to remain competitive in the market and to improve the efficiency and productivity of companies. We aim to understand the approach of small and medium-sized businesses regarding technology.

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studiu MKOR consumer sentiment 2023

MKOR Consumer Sentiment Study: Principal Reasons for Romanian Concerns in 2023

Antreprenorii și persoanele de decizie din companii cu care am interacționat pe parcursul anului și-au exprimat preocupările privind incertitudinea economică, cu toții întrebându-se care va fi impactul asupra comportamentului consumatorilor din România. Am decis să răspundem acestor preocupări așa cum știm mai bine: prin date direct de la sursă, consumatorii.

0 Comments8 Minutes

Corina Cimpoca Fashion ROute 2022 piata de fashion din Romania

Fashion ROute 2022: data extracted from the first real-time Romanian fashion retail study

The data extracted from the first Romanian real-time fashion retail study helped in identifying the consumption habits in the local fashion retail, the market evolution during previous year, as well as the changes observed in consumer behaviour regarding fashion shopping.

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