stats from our panel


Active members

(source: MKOR Stats, Mar 2022)


Potential respondents


Mobile Internet access in Romania

(source: ANCOM, 2022)


Email invite conversion rate

(MKOR, Mar 2022)


Questionnaire completion rate

(source: MKOR, Mar 2022)


Panel respondents satisfaction rate

(source: MKOR, Jan 2022)

Dashboard with Live Stats for CAWI / CATI and Field Studies


We like to be transparent and offer our customers the best tools on the market.
Data is available in real-time, from desktop and mobiles.

Test the Demo Dashboard now.

Here’s what statistics you see live if you work with us:

  • respondents: total / valid / complete / CR (conversion rate)
  • segmentation: region / urban or rural / gender etc.
  • bonus: preview of the answers * for 3-4 questions from the questionnaire, of your choice
  • interactive and detailed tables and charts 👍

MKOR’s Panel respondents are nationwide people from Romania, who explicitly opted to participate in our studies

We are in constant communication with our panel members, through invitation emails as well as through personalised thank you emails, thereby securing a high engagement rate.

What impact does this have for you? Swiftly gathered, relevant results.

Respondents are randomly selected for our studies, in order to assure a high representativity of the sample, while we make sure that the information collected is correct and trustworthy. We take great care in making sure that our Panel members:

  • Receive questionnaires covering a variety of areas while avoiding similar studies with repetitive answers.
  • Do not transform into “professional respondents” (or people who adapt their answers to qualify for a study instead of providing relevant and honest opinions).
  • Are people with different interests, as is the population – made up of consumers with options and different preferences.

MKOR Panel is growing day by day, thanks to members’ recommendations and through participation in new studies, be it quantitative or qualitative. Our panel members are invited to take part in studies regarding consumer usage, attitudes and interests (UAI), concept and product testing as well as focus groups, online communities and more.


Our studies are mobile and user friendly, which makes them easily accessible for consumers across the country: 84% of respondents usually partake in surveys only using their mobile phone. Have we mentioned that Romania has an 85% Mobile Internet penetration rate? 🔥

Mobile respondent 84%
Desktop respondent 16%

MKOR’s panel connects you with any respondent – consumers, business or even specific population profiles – to measure and monitor attitudes and behaviors quickly and efficiently.

  • Relevant results
  • Fast data gathering
  • Representative sample
  • Unique responses
  • Mobile optimized studies

How can MKOR's Consumer Panel help you and your company?

The Panel is employed for a vast variety of studies – internal or commissioned by our customers. Here are some types of studies that your business can benefit from:

  • Consumer habits. Understand the behavior of consumers and buyers in the market where you operate.
  • Media. Test advertising concepts and the efficiency of information sources.
  • Segmentation. Understand how the target audience is structured, depending on its features.
  • Price Policy. Define fair price, according to customer sensitivity.
  • Innovation. Successfully launch new products or even business.
  • Brand awareness. Find out how well known your brand is on the Romanian market, and how it is perceived.
  • Customer satisfaction. Learn how satisfied your clients are with the interaction with your brand.

Demographics data of our Consumer Panel


The members of MKOR’s Panel are filtered according to several variables that allow us to access the exact profile that you lookingfor in a respondent. The information is collected initially at the recruitment stage, and is then periodically updated.

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Region
  • Area of residence
  • Occupation
  • Professional level
  • Income
  • Education
  • Civil status

This is only the standard data we collect, our capabilities are unlimited. This means that we can find exact customer profiles and segment them according to your needs (car ownership, mobile phone ownership, what kind of food they like, etc.).

Who can join MKOR’s Panel?

  • Legit members. In order to join the MKOR Panel, respondents have to explicitly join, and must accept the Terms & Conditions, as well as our Panel Privacy Policy. Their identity is verified by entering a valid email address and by confirming via a double opt in process.
  • Real persons. Members that subscribe to the MKOR Panel have to provide information regarding age, gender, residency, occupation and education. These features help us filter out the most relevant respondents, depending on the target audience profile of each customer.
  • Relevant respondents. In our studies, we ensure the relevancy of our participants through pre-selection questions, and by revalidating the demographics with each new study a participant takes. In other words, we ensure that we have up-to-date members in the panel at all times.
  • Unique responses. A respondent can partake in a survey only once, regardless if they try to connect from multiple devices. The identity of each respondent is related to a unique ID that can not be duplicated.

How does our consumer panel work?

  • Explicit opt-in. MKOR Panel members reactivate their subscription to the community each time they complete a survey. This way, we make sure that only those who truly wish to do so, are able to access our studies.
  • No spam. If an active member explicitly opts out of being part of the MKOR Panel community, they are removed from all our databases according to legal regulations. The email addresses of MKOR employees, collaborators and customers are automatically excluded from our panel databases, as well as those of our competitors. Thus, we ensure that participants in our studies are objective, eliminating conflicts of interest.
  • Only qualified respondents. The MKOR Panel does not include people who are underage or those working in market research & advertising.
  • Real-time backlist removal. Members that choose to not take part in surveys are screened instantly by all upcoming research. We have a strict no-spam policy in place and we value our respondents preferences. This way we make sure that our clients get the best possible results with deep, honest and meaningful market insights.

Our panel members sharing their voice

Members of the Panel are treated with respect by the MKOR team. Our respondents have a unique experience, allowing them to respond honestly and with enthusiasm to our invitations.

We take great pride in our sincere communication with the community and their feedback gives us the opportunity to become better day by day. We provide :

  • Easy flow surveys, with a friendly approach
  • Maximum one study per week per respondent
  • Attractive incentives – eg perfume, holidays and jewelry
  • Personalized thank you emails for participating in surveys
  • Open communication flow in order to optimize user experience

We are the only market research agency that actively requests feedback from all respondents following each survey (tip us if you spot anyone else). We receive hundreds of emails every week, with a diverse feedback, but most of them are kudos emails.

You are welcome to take a look at some of our feedback emails that make their way into our inbox on a daily basis!

respondent panel feedback 1
panel feedback 2

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Let's talk about your Consumer / B2B Panel needs?

We like to step out of our comfort zone, to treat each project as a challenge and to push the boundaries of our creative minds. MKOR will fulfill the objectives of your project, no matter how hard they are. Message us now to get started.

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