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Customer perception and satisfaction study Service in the foreign exchange market in Romania BSG Money Exchange

The collaboration between BSG Amanet & Exchange and MKOR aims to determine our client's positioning on the Romanian pawnshop and foreign exchange market.

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studiu MKOR consumer sentiment 2023

MKOR Consumer Sentiment Study: Principal Reasons for Romanian Concerns in 2023

Antreprenorii și persoanele de decizie din companii cu care am interacționat pe parcursul anului și-au exprimat preocupările privind incertitudinea economică, cu toții întrebându-se care va fi impactul asupra comportamentului…

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MKOR Esomar 28

Get to know us better, ESOMAR asked, we answered. Download our Esomar 28 response to see how MKOR differentiates itself from other sample providers. Provable market research by MKOR.

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Studiu Brand Tracker

Brand Tracker Research – Brand Awareness Identification – TBI Bank

TBI Bank wanted to measure its brand notoriety in the Romanian market, among consumers of financial products and services. To better understand their customers, TBI Bank delegated MKOR Consulting to conduct a quantitative study.

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Studiu Cantitativ Testare Concept Peditel

Quantitative Study – Concept Testing – Peditel

The Părinți în România Foundation (Parents in Romania) requested a quantitative study to test a mobile app concept among the users of the Peditel service. MKOR enthusiastically responded to the request and joined the initiative by…

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Romanian E-commerce Report 2022

Quantitative Study – Identification of the Romanian eCommerce Market Characteristics – VTEX

VTEX wanted an in-depth understanding of the Romanian eCommerce market, identifying the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the trends imposed by it.

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Usage and Attitude (U&A) Study – Development Opportunities in the Regional Tourism Market in the Șureanu Area

Collaboration with a group of investors to better understand potential customers and identify the habits and attitudes of Romanians in the targeted area regarding the choice of vacation destinations.

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Public Transport Drivers Satisfaction Research – The Urban Mobility Market in Bucharest – Otokar

To explore the drivers' perspective on Otokar buses, the company delegated MKOR to carry out a satisfaction survey.

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Studiu de comportamente și atitudini Piața furnizorilor de servicii în construcții din România  Registrul Constructorilor

Usage and Attitude (U&A) Research – Romanian Construction Service Providers Market

Registrul Constructorilor, an online construction review platform, wanted to explore consumer behaviors and attitudes about services accessed in this area.

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Usage and Attitude (U&A) Study – Romanian Passenger Transport Market – Flixbus

The purpose of this study was to identify the habits of users of long-distance passenger transport services in Romania and their main problems and needs when it comes to traveling by coach.

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