MKOR Consulting conducted for INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca an extensive market research for target market analysis and for the evaluation of development opportunities in the bioeconomy sector.

The research included three sectors of activity, namely:

  • pharmaceutical sector & nutritional supplements;
  • agri-food sector;
  • environmental technologies.

The first part of the study identified through desk research the trends, evolution, and main players in Romania for each of the three targeted domains.

Also, through a legislative analysis at both national and European levels dedicated to each domain, we identified the main legal regulations that can play an important role in the development of INCDTIM.

Raportul de cercetare

The second part of the research aimed to identify the needs for the research and development sector and used in-depth interviews with decision-makers from top companies identified as potential partners for INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca in the first stage.

Based on the data collected in the two research stages, the MKOR Consulting team formulated a series of characteristics of the trends and market opportunities for each of the three activity sectors, thus offering the INCDTIM client a useful instrument for understanding the market in which they operate.

The recommendations drawn by the MKOR team draw attention to services not covered by existing players in the market, which translates into development opportunities for INCDTIM, as well as the possibility of collaboration with companies in the bioeconomy sector.

About INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca

The National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies is the only national research and development institute from the North-West region, reaccredited in 2008. This institute meets European standards and offers services of mass spectrometry, chromatography, and ion physics, as well as molecular and biomolecular physics.

Targeted Market:

  • Romania

Methodology Used:

  • Desk-research
  • In-depth interviews


INCDTIM Recommendation

We take great pleasure in recommending MKOR firm, which we consider to be one of the most professional players in the field following our recent collaboration. MKOR conducted a study for us analyzing the target market and evaluating development opportunities in the bioeconomy sector. The materials delivered in phases 1 and 2, the secondary research, and the respective qualitative research have met our demands and exactness. The conclusions and recommendations they provided were valuable and useful for the proposed purpose.

Throughout the execution of the contract, we noted the team’s professional conscientiousness and seriousness. The materials provided were of quality, and the communication was clear and concise. All work terms were respected.

We admire the leadership quality of Corina Cimpoca, the manager of the firm.

— Dr. Claudiu Filip, Director of Project INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca
