Complete Market Research Services

MKOR Consulting is your trusted provider of strategic market research, from sector analysis to consumer trends. Explore our full services.

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Market Research & Intelligence

Good ideas do not come out of thin air. If they do, they should still be tested through Market Research.

Market Research is a tool that will help you know the competition, your customers, launch new products, expand on new markets, innovate, or increase customer satisfaction. In short, it is a tool for business success!

wordwide research map


Marketing Strategy

You cannot arrive at your destination if you don’t know where you are headed! We are here to define your marketing strategy.

A proper marketing strategy is like a map that shows you where you are, where you are headed and, even more, how to get there! Our team of experts will be your side from the start of the project until its end, giving all the support needed, oriented towards results. Hence our name, MKOR.

Satisfaction Analysis & Research

Loyalty comes cheaper than acquiring new customers.

Regardless of industry, your clients are your business fuel. It is important to evaluate your client’s level of satisfaction, be it B2B client or the final user of your product or services. This is a good indicator that helps improve business relations by identifying solutions to address dissatisfactions.



Competitor Analysis

Competition sets the trend on the product and services market or consumers’ options.

Knowing the strategies that your competitors employ, the products and services they offer is a competitive advantage that you cannot miss. This information helps position your business on the market and align it with the general trend.

Mystery Shopping in Romania

Mystery shopping is a competitive tool used in market research to measure quality, customer service etc.

We like to take this concept one step further and find out more than how your own customers perceive your services. We use this tool to analyze how your competitors showcase their business to their own clients.



Focus Group

Focus group is a tool used to obtain qualitative data, a framework to explore ideas, opinions, and reactions of consumers.

When properly applied, the focus group provides insights on consumer perception about your product or services. A professional moderator obtains information that otherwise is unlikely to be uncovered. Focus group is a qualitative method to find out directly what your potential loyal customers think.

Let's Talk About Your Research Needs

Achieve your business objectives with MKOR. We like to step out of our comfort zone and to treat every project as a new challenge, where innovation and expertise blend for the most relevant market insights.

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    We deliver deep research insights, with actionable steps, always on time. Do you want some proof? Read some testimonials, see our marketing & research portfolio and download our public research reports. You will enjoy it 🙂